In order to make way for the construction of 10.1 km Avinashi Flyover, the iconic pedestrian bridge in Peelamedu is being demolished, and works are going on in full swing over there to complete the work by next Tuesday or maximum by Wednesday, as per sources.

This foot-over-bridge was installed in 2007 above the Peelamedu Road, with entry and exit staircase set at PSG College of Technology and PSG Institute of Management. For the past 15+ years it has greatly assisted the students of the two institutions to cross the busy area, and some common folks too.

Now that the construction works for the mega flyover has come near the foot-over bridge, the authorities have started demolishing the bridge since yesterday.

A pelican signal was also installed near the two institutions on a trial basis. The usefulness of it will be studied, and a final call will be taken.

The Bridge will be back!

Reliable reports state that permission to construct the bridge at 5.5 meters height at the same area has been given and the works can commence after the completion of the flyover.

So, people need not worry about the departure of this iconic structure. It will be back.